The hallmarks of our ministries are small-groups focused on discipleship, faith and fellowship, applying the Bible to their daily lives. All our ministries and fellowship groups are open to all church members and visitors.
Sunday School & Junior Church
The Sunday School and Junior Church meet every Sunday (except on
Family Service Sundays and during
the summer school break).
The Sunday School ministries' primary aim is to nurture, train and keep our children between the aged of 6 and 18 within the church retaining their christian ethics and values.
We aims to provide helpful resources to stimulate our young people through the Sunday School programme and as the name suggests most of our young people will meet on a Sunday morning during the main service to go through age-appropriate learning in a stimulating and interactive way.
Our Sunday School and Junior Church play an important part in the life our congregation and all our youth, whether regulars or visiting are invited to join the classes that normally begin part-way through our Sunday Service. All Sunday School teachers and assistants are CRB checked.
Boy's Brigade and Girl's Association
Anchors (Boys and Girls age 5-8) Juniors (Girls and Boys
age 8-11) meet Thursdays 6.15pm to 7.30pm, the Seniors/Company Section (Boys and Girls age 11+)
meet Fridays 7.00pm to 9.00pm
Contact Rodney or Dawn Wilkes via our
Contact Form for more details
Women's Fellowship
The Women's Fellowship is a ministry built on fellowship with God and with other members of the church community.
They meet at Park Lane every Tuesday at 2.30 in the afternoon for a time of worship and discussion. The fellowship includes activities and talks about a wide range of topics with guest speakers including local knowledge, history, the work of charities. Check the Upcoming Events calender to find out more on forthcoming speakers and activities.
Men's Fellowship
Men's Fellowship currently meet twice a month; every last Saturday of the month at 9.30am for breakfast and fellowship at the Church. Mid month the men meet after Sunday Service in the small chapel as part of the planning committee.
The Park Lane Men's Fellowship group was started in 2010. Their aim is to to enable the men of the church to gather together at least once a month in a comfortable social basis to share fellowship with one another. We have developed new activities for the church with two well received 'Men's Takeover' Sunday services and a programme to establish an audit of skills from the church membership so we can 'give back' help and assistance to those in need. They encourage more men young, teens and those young-at-heart to join their meetings and sharing.
Flower Ministry
The creativity of our Flower Team serve the Lord by arranging the flowers that grace our church each Sunday and on special occasions.
As they do so they
share in rich fellowship.
Pastoral Visitors
Within the life of the Church
the role of the Pastoral Visitor is one of the most significant. Its importance has several facets, because the visitor is part of the structure of the Church which enables members and adherents to sense that they belong to
a Christian community.
Hence, part of the responsibility is to be a channel of communication, linking people together and keeping them in touch with what is happening in the life of the Church. The visitor is also significant in providing pastoral care to one or more individuals (their pastoral group), by demonstrating an interest in their lives and providing support and encouragement at particular times of need. As a member of a wider team, visitors can offer not just their own time, skills and resources, but those of the Church as a body. The visitor also has a role to play in assisting others to grow in their faith and discipleship, through listening to their experience, discussing concerns and providing encouragement.
A new committee has also been formed to offer constructive feedback about worship, visiting and to support preachers as they seek to nurture the Christian
faith and witness of our diverse congregation and community.
Action For Children
Thomas Bowman Stephenson, a Methodist minister from the North East of England, had a passionate commitment to social justice and campaigned on behalf of the vulnerable of his day. From the time he moved to London, Stephenson challenged the Methodist Church to address the plight of homeless children on the street.
Park Lane has supported Action for Children and NCH for many years and hold special yearly services including a Christmas Gift service along with guest speakers from Action for Children to support their valuable work.
Brent 4 Jesus
Brent 4 Jesus is a Ministry conceived in the heart of God and birthed by the Open Door Community Church, Harlesden in 1990.
It is a ministry in the London Borough of Brent and comprises a group of churches that have united with one specific agenda - to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the borough.
Like many other ministries, Brent for Jesus is God’s idea and a strategy He has employed to establish unity across the denominational divide. He is empowering His people to unite with one heart, and speak with one voice, to fulfill the Great Commission (Mark 16:15) in a borough where practically the whole world resides in microcosm.