Wembley Circuit Healthy Fun Day 2017
Saturday 11th March 2017 12-4pm
Seminars, Talks & Presentations
Prostate Cancer UK
Looking after Your Mental Well Being
ACLT (African Caribbean Leukemia Trust)
ACLT is committed to helping provide hope to patients living with blood cancer and other illnesses where a matched donor (stem cell, blood or organ) is required to save a life. Their work is driven by a belief that no one should die waiting for a donor to become available.
Find out more about the good work of ACLT watch the short promotional video above or our Support Us page. To register for this years 5K Fun Run go to our Upcoming Events page
Information and advice
Silver Star
Zumba Classes
Are you ready to party yourself into shape? Forget the workout, just lose yourself in the music and find yourself in shape at the original dance-fitness party.
Refreshments throughout the day
Healthy sandwiches, drinks and snacks will be available on production of a Healthy Fun Day voucher which will be presented to you on arrival